This is the day that Americans remember gaining their independence from the British in 1776. Had history unfolded differently maybe today they would still be more officially joined to us as part of the Commonwealth.
There are many Americans who, like their Canadian neighbours would love to claim our Queen as theirs too. Having lived in this amazing country for over a third of my life I am always so touched by the American’s love and support of our wonderful monarch and their love of we Brits.
Thank you America for always making me feel special (well apart from at Immigration and the DMV!) I will never tire of being asked “oh are you English or “where in England are you from?”Thank you for your positive attitude, your warmth, your generosity and your greetings full of smiles, thank you for making me feel welcome in your country. ‘Home’ for me will always be England, as much as I love both France and California but how lucky am I to be made to feel so loved and special in this my ‘adopted country’.
On July 4th God Bless America, I am so glad that since 1776 we have become each others greatest friends!
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