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Christmas pudding traditions
Published Elsewhere

Travel France Online ~ My Christmas Pudding

Travel France Online has just published Shutters and Sunflowers’ article about Christmas Puddings as part of a wonderful collection of Christmas wishes from all over France put together by Diane de la Guillermie, this fabulous website’s founder. For me, as a child, just as it …

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BritainStories of Life

Christmas Day ~ when I was a child

Christmas day would always begin in our parents’ bedroom, just as it has for our children. Three excited little people, (and as the years slipped by, not so little people!) would drag their bulging stockings to our parent’s bed, it was …

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Christmas table
BritainStories of Life

Christmas Eve ~ when I was a child

The time next week it will be Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, probably the most magical night of the year. One when children everywhere (big ‘children’ too) really want to ‘believe’. Excited, eager, little faces press their noses to …

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BritainStories of Life

Christmas cooking preparing for Christmas!

As a child, just as it is now and probably has been for several generations, the days before Christmas were always busy, collecting greenery to decorate the house, finding the tree, buying and wrapping presents, writing cards, standing in endless lines …

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Christmas Traditions in England, mince pies
BritainStories of Life

An English family’s Christmas traditions

I grew up in a family with an abundance of Christmas traditions, many from my incredible grandmother, my father’s mother, who, despite having twelve children never set a table without a fresh flower and who could make the simplest of …

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Roof tops of Burford, the Cotswolds, England
BritainExploreThe Cotswolds

Burford, Cirencester and Tetbury, more towns of the English Cotswolds

As many of you know, when I’m England I love to visit the Cotswolds. It is only about an hour from where I grew up but quite different and distinctive. Charming little towns spreading across Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, built mostly …

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