Posts in category Lourmarin

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Why you should visit Lourmarin, this treasure of the Luberon

I told you last time about Lourmarin, but why should you go there too? Quite simply, because it’s beautiful. Twisting cobbled streets, limestone buildings the colour of honey, faded shutters and clay tiled roof tops. Chic boutiques, galleries, vibrant cafés and …

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Lourmarin a special place in the Luberon Provence
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Ingredients that make a place like Lourmarin special

I have been wondering, what are the secret ingredients that make a place truly special? Somewhere, when you arrive for the first time, makes your heart skip a beat and that when you return for the hundredth time, makes you …

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Isirdi painting from Isirdi Gallery, Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, France
Activities in LourmarinDiscoverLourmarin

Isirdi’s picture, creating a special memory forever

A piece of art, the essence of a moment, captured with the stroke of a paint brush or crayon, through the eyes and perceptions of the artist. An instant in time becomes immortalized as a memory that will last forever. The …

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LourmarinStories from LourmarinStories from UzesStories of LifeUzes

Celebrating four years of Shutters and Sunflowers!

It’s been four years since I started writing, Shutters and Sunflowers, when I was sharing my life in Provence. I’m still writing, mostly about travel and you’re still reading, thank you, but behind the scenes ‘blogging’ has evolved greatly. Every …

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Around ProvenceLourmarinLuberonStories from LourmarinThe VaucluseVar

Provencal architecture and the Mistral

Most visitors to Provence and indeed much of the Mediterranean, are usually entranced by the charming features of the local architecture, especially in the countryside. It interesting to learn that much of the construction in Provence, actually, has very little …

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View of Lourmarin Village, Luberon, Provence, France
LourmarinStories from Lourmarin

Provencal rosé wine with friends in Lourmarin

As my stylish, little, Italian designed, rental car nipped along the twisting curves of Provence’s Luberon Valley towards Lourmarin my heart skipped a beat in excited anticipation. Fields of lush vineyards flanked the narrow roadside, row after row of low …

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Le Moulin, Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, France
DiscoverLourmarinStay at Lourmarin

Le Moulin de Lourmarin, a special place to stay

On our most recent visit to Lourmarin we stayed at Le Moulin de Lourmarin, a captivating, golden stone, former olive mill. In the heart of the village, Le Moulin is a charming little haven, maintaining the authenticity of its former …

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L'Occitaine, Manosque, Luberon Provence
Around ProvenceDiscoverLourmarinLuberonNearby Lourmarin

L’Occitane Factory, Manosque, Provence, something beautiful doing good!

You doubtless have heard of L’Occitane en Provence, a soap, creams and lotions company to be found on the high streets and shopping malls of most major cities in the world. Until recently, when I visited their factory in Provence, I …

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In Aix-en-Provence, Bouche de Rhone, Provence, France
Aix-en-ProvenceAround ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneCities of ProvenceDiscoverNearby Lourmarin

A February Saturday in Aix-en-Provence

Gracious, golden, shuttered buildings, cobbled streets, cathedrals, museums, fountains, chic boutiques, restaurants and on a busy Saturday, market stalls tumbling out along the winding alleyways and gently shaded squares. Each proud vendor jostling for trade, offering a profusion of locally …

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