Posts in category Visit Lourmarin

Shutters in Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, France
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Shutters of Provence

There was a reason that I called my ramblings ‘Shutters and Sunflowers’. On a morning amble around the Saturday market in nearby Apt, that reason resonated from every building in sight. It seemed that the architecture everywhere was adorned with …

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Cheese in the Lourmarin market, Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence
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The Lourmarin Marché

When you have been to one market you have been to them all. Well in one sense that is true. They all sell similar things in an outside setting, scattered round a town square or along a few streets. Maybe …

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A view of Loumrarin, Luberon, Provence, France
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Lourmarin, my special place to live

When do you know that you are somewhere special? What is it that evokes such feelings? Maybe an exotic location, maybe when you are doing something totally exhilarating like meeting the challenge of a death defying ski slope, one you …

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