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17 Mile Drive near Carmel, California, USA
California & USACarmelExplore

The 17 Mile Drive, a piece of heaven on earth

The 17 Mile Drive, which winds its way beside one of California’s most stunning stretches of coastline, from Pacific Grove to Carmel-by-the-Sea, has to be one of the most breathtakingly spectacular natural spots in the world. The foaming Pacific Ocean …

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Garden in Carmel-by-the Sea, California
California & USACarmelExplore

Flowers of Carmel-by-the-Sea | ‘Home thoughts from Abroad’

I love flowers, most girls do!! I love growing them, something I need to perfect, picking them, something I am adept at, buying them, for others and myself, being given them and arranging them! Also, there is nothing more beautiful …

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Authentic Mediterranean property in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, USA
California & USACarmelExplore

Beautiful, stunning and unique, the homes of Carmel-by-the-sea!

Carmel homes boast a wealth of different styles of architecture, everything is unique, which adds to its charm. The one I am featuring above is my absolute favourite! Looking at it, one really could be in Tuscany or Provence, so …

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Fog hanging over Carmel beach, California, USA
California & USACarmel

Carmel swallowed by the fog; California’s coastline micro-climates

As I walked for just over an hour, in the mid-afternoon, I watched in silent amazement as the fog silently rolled in from the sea, totally transforming everything, as if some giant clock had suddenly whizzed the months forward from …

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The clay tile roof by Carmel Mission, Carmel, California, USA
California & USACarmelExplore

Carmel, California, another one of my special places!

When I wrote my first thoughts about living in Lourmarin, in Provence, France, I asked: ‘when do you know that you are somewhere special and what makes a place special?’ Of course the answer is different for all of us. …

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Mansion in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Elsewhere in USAExplore

West Palm Beach, Florida

Driving around this beautiful area of West Palm Beach, one is immediately aware that ‘old money’ exists here. Stunning, mansion style properties close to, or on the Ocean. Everything immaculately groomed, in way that  only Americans are capable of! 4, 5, …

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Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, USA
Elsewhere in USAExplore

Florida: “We’re not in Kansas anymore!”

The road sign in Calais, France directed us to ‘Tunnel sous La Manche’ ~ The Channel Tunnel and then after a few special days in England and a trans-Atlantic plane ride we are a continent away. Work commitments have taken us …

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Bruges, Belgium by the canal

Chocolate, beer and lace from Bruges, Belgium

Belgium is world famous for its chocolates, beer and lace. It seems a strange combination of products and the history of each is fascinating. Belgian beer production is probably the oldest of the three, beer has been brewed and drunk …

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