A trip to Venice would not be complete without a gondola ride. Exploring Venice along her streets of water, provides a uniquely romantic perspective. It might be a very ‘touristy’ thing to to do but really where else can you become acquainted with a city by water and be serenaded by a gondolier as you do so? From where we were staying we could literally step out of our bedroom window onto the canal……….
View from Corte 1321 our delightful and highly recommended, bed and breakfast

View from Corte1321 Inn

Our Gondolier wrapped up in the cold March weather
Our gondolier, Venice Italy!

Venice showing off its enviable Italian style ~ certainly a different way to shop!
Shopping from the Venice canals

Everywhere you go in Venice, be it on foot or by water, there are reminders of the Carnival, mostly in the form of colourful masks. Some expensive, beautiful, hand-made pieces of art, although there are an abundance of cheaper copies for everyone to purchase! The story behind these masks is associated with the Venetians addiction to gambling. The Venetians were so consumed with this ‘past time’ that in order to protect their identity they came up with the idea of wearing a mask. Colourful, often outrageous, sometimes quite menacing artistic creations, worn now mostly at Carnival and available for us all to ‘party’!
Carnival Masks in Venice, originally worn to disguise the Ventian gamblers!

Early morning flooding on the canal
Morning flooding, Venice, Italy

The Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy

Morning exercise on Venice’s ‘streets’
Morning exercise, Venice, Italy

The market Place where James Bond jumped from the balcony, in true ‘007’ style in Casino Royal
Market where James Bond jumped in Casion Royal, Venice, Italy

James Bond’s ‘support team’, Ventian style!
Law and Order, Venice Italy

And at the end of a busy day, the gondolier needs to check his date is confirmed
Gondolier looking for his gondola!

Ready for a carefully prepared, delicious dinner in the local Trattoria!
At work in the Trattoria, Venice, Italy