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Above The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
California & USASan FranciscoThe Bay Area

Motorcars, aeroplanes and boats!

Motorcars, aeroplanes and boats, they nearly all have an engine so it is no wonder that the men in my family love to watch them perform, love to perform in them and love to tinker and polish…particularly the cars! This …

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Italian Fiats victory lap for Luna Rossa @ America's Cup San Franciso 2013
California & USAExploreSan FranciscoThe Bay Area

Italians, after a Louis Vuitton Challenge win – America’s Cup 2013

On August 10th, we watched the Italian’s win a resounding victory in ‘Luna Rossa’, over the Swedes in ‘Artemis’, as they strove to become the winners of the 2013 Louis Vuitton Cup, the ticket to become the Challenger in this …

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Team Italia America's Cup Bay Bridge San Francisco
California & USAExploreSan FranciscoThe Bay Area

34th America’s Cup, San Francisco 2013

The 34th America’s Cup is being held this September, 2013, in the stunning San Francisco Bay. Flanked by the world famous arches of the Golden Gate Bridge at one end of the course and the Bay Bridge at the other …

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California & USAElsewhere in USAExploreOther Places in California

Contemplations on a Las Vegas drive

Driving to Las Vegas never ceases to amaze me. How did this world famous, vibrant, if not extremely bizarre, neon light, party place come to be in existence in the middle of an arid, almost barren desert, miles from anywhere? …

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Elsewhere in USA

A ‘Viva Las Vegas’ Wedding!!

Las Vegas, decadent or opulent, a place to get rich or get broke, a dining extravaganza or a buffet nightmare, tacky or incredible, exciting or depressing, architecturally stunning……all of the above or none! Love it or hate, it’s totally ‘over the …

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California & USAExploreOther Places in California

Los Angeles ~The Griffith Observatory and Hollywood Sign

The incredible Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, occupying a prominent hillside site, close to the infamous ‘HOLLYWOOD’ sign, was my new Los Angeles discovery. It proves that there is always something new to learn about a city, no matter how …

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California & USAExploreOther Places in California

Tomatoes grown in California’s Central Valley

  Driving south down California’s Interstate ‘5’, from San Francisco to Los Angeles, any time between mid July to mid September, you cannot fail to notice the caravan of northbound trucks hauling tomatoes in huge, white, open pallets. Where are …

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California & USACarmelExplore

Summer flowers of Provence …….. in California

Cornflower blue skies, freshly burst leaves swaying gently on their branches in the afternoon breeze, a fence just begging to be climbed over, into a sweeping, fragrant, carpet of lavender. Follow Shutters & Sunflowers

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July 4th 2013!
California & USADanvilleThe Bay Area

America celebrates Independence Day

July 4th, the day when America celebrates her independence from Britain. Had things been handled differently, history might well have unfolded in another way, but 1776 is a long time ago, wounds have healed, differences buried, today we are each …

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